Watershed – A Humidity Controlled Workstation For Protein Crystallography
Watershed™ is a humidity controlled workstation for protein crystallography. It prevents drop dehydration during crystals harvesting helping you obtain the best possible diffraction.
Watershed™ will also simplify your crystal mounting allowing you to get the best possible diffraction which in turn allows you to optimize your crystal harvesting and post-growth treatment protocols. Additional benefits of using Watershed™ are:
- Increase drop working times and prevent dried out drops
- Reduce protein precipitation and degradation
- Harvest more crystals from each drop
- Reduce crystal non-isomorphism
- Used controlled dehydration to improve diffraction
- Use with cover slips, glass slides, crystallization plates, or your home X-ray source
Watershed is already used at several facilities including:
- UCSF Macromolecular Structure Group
- Diamond Light Source XChem Pipeline
- The CUNY ASRC Macromolecular Crystallization Facility
- Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute – University of Buffalo
- Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
- And more!
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The Watershed System was developed in collaboration with Prof. Douglas Juers (Whitman College).
Product Information
- Product Information
- Science Behind
- Technical Specifications
- References
Watershed provides a controlled humidity environment for a wide range of common sample preparation tasks, including
- separating crystals from each other, from precipitate, and from protein skins that may form over crystallization drops;
- soaking crystals in solutions containing cryoprotectants, heavy atoms or ligands;
- harvesting crystals from drops onto X-ray sample mounts;
- blotting or wicking away excess liquid from crystals to reduce background X-ray scatter and increase sample cooling rates during plunge cooling;
- placing crystals in MiTeGen’s MicroRT capillaries or glass capillaries for room temperature data collection; and
- adjusting the hydration of crystals to a desired relative humidity, which may be different from their as-grown relative humidity, to modify protein structure or optimize diffraction properties.
分水岭由一个水箱、一个控制单元和两个工作站组成,可提供 50% 到 >90% RH 之间的可控相对湿度。
加湿室工作站接受 18 或 22 毫米盖玻片或标准显微镜载玻片上的液滴。可以使用标准晶体环、测角仪底座和磁棒在工作站内采集和操作晶体,同时使用长距离体视显微镜从上方观察。安装后,可以将样品转移到含有潮湿空气的冷冻管中,然后可以将样品 + 冷冻管取出并运输到例如冷冻冷却装置。
定向喷嘴工作站可与多孔结晶板中的晶体一起使用,以提供指向被检查孔的加湿气流。该工作站还可以与实验室 X 射线源一起使用,以在衍射数据收集过程中可控地改变晶体的水合作用。
阅读 MiTeGen Watershed 用户手册以了解更多信息
维持和控制样品水合作用是生物分子晶体学以及细胞生物学、辅助生殖和相关领域的关键问题。 Watershed 为这个问题提供了一种方便、可靠、低成本的解决方案。
生长后处理过程中的晶体脱水是室温 X 射线数据收集中晶体非同构的压倒性原因,也是低温非同构的重要原因。当仔细控制晶体水合时,1% 或更多的典型室温晶胞体积变化会降低到小于 0.2%。
另一方面,对于大约 5-10% 的蛋白质晶体,适度控制脱水可以改善整体晶体顺序和衍射特性,并在晶体衍射不足时提供有用的补救方法。
Watershed 提供了一种方便、低成本的解决方案,用于在晶体收获、操作、安装和 X 射线数据收集期间控制水合环境。
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