
Small Molecule Crystallography Starter Kit
MiTeGen 的小分子晶体学入门套件具有在室温和低温下安装和收集小分子 X 射线数据所需的一切。
Product Information
- Small Molecule Crystallography Starter Kit 1
- Small Molecule Crystallography Starter Kit 2
Each kit contains:
- 20 Dual Thickness MicroMounts™ (M2-L18SP-A2), with 5 each of 75, 100, 150 and 200 μm apertures
- 1 tube Apiezon N Cryogenic vacuum grease
- 1 pair heavy-duty tweezers, for inserting the MicroMounts™ into the bases
- A detailed instruction manual
- 10 GB-B3S-R reusable goniometer bases, and 10 magnetic CryoVials