
MicroTools Kit 2
根据客户的反馈,我们将套件 1 中的样品操作工具分离出来,修改了它们的设计,使其更厚更耐用。 用于常见样品处理任务的理想套件。
Full Description
Product Information
- Product Description
- Kit Specifications
根据客户反馈,我们将套件 1 中的样品操作工具分离出来,修改了它们的设计,使其更厚更耐用。用于常见样品处理任务的理想套件。
与套件 1 一样,这些工具的尖端由柔软、灵活的微加工聚合物薄膜制成。尖端曲率赋予它们刚性,但它们仍然可以很容易地弯曲以适应井或滑动表面。与金属微型工具相比,这些工具损坏易碎样品的可能性要小得多,并且是光学和 X 射线透明的。用于蛋白质晶体、单细胞和其他小样本。
这些工具的尖端有 18 微米厚,因此它们在 X 射线束中产生的背景 X 射线散射比套件 1 中的工具更多(但仍低于其他商业 X 射线样品安装技术。)
每个工具都安装在直径为 0.025 英寸/0.64 毫米的非磁性实心不锈钢杆上。将它们放在标准的 0.7 毫米自动铅笔(每个套件随附)或显微操作器中。
Each kit contains:
- MicroTip™: Two each of 25 and 50 micrometer diameter tips. Use to poke, separate and lift samples. Also use to reposition samples on a MicroMount or MicroMesh. Shape is designed to minimize disturbance of surrounding liquid while maximizing tip rigidity.
- MicroSpoon™: Two small and one large size. Use to push, detach from surfaces, separate from a cluster, lift, and transfer. Push down to flatten tip and slide under your sample.
- MicroChisel™: Two small and one large size. Use to push, detach from surfaces, separate from a cluster, lift, and transfer. Push down to flatten tip and slide under your sample.
- MicroLasso™: Two small and one large size. Use like a loop to lasso, pull and detach a sample from a surface.
- MicroSieve™: Two small, two medium and one large size. Use to sieve samples out of solution, and to lift, transfer and soak.
- MicroSaw™: Two saws. Use in conjunction with a needle to cut and remove protein skins, gels, dense lipid phases and soft tissues from around your sample.