Wizard Precipitant Synergy Screens-MiTeGen向导沉淀协同筛选试剂

Wizard Precipitant Synergy Screens-MiTeGen向导沉淀协同筛选试剂

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Wizard Precipitant Synergy Screens

Discover more protein crystallization hits with this unique screen by employing synergistic effects of mechanistically distinct precipitating agents (salts, organic solvents, polyethylene glycols, additives, pH).

通过利用机械上不同的沉淀剂(盐、有机溶剂、聚乙二醇、添加剂、pH 值)的协同效应,通过这种独特的筛选发现更多的蛋白质结晶命中。

Wizard Precipitant Synergy Screens SKU: M-R-1009539 $1,795.00
Wizard Precipitant Synergy Screens SKU: M-R-1008652 $495.00

Category: Crystallization Screens

Product Information

  • Product Description
  • Specifications- Screen Conditions
Discover more protein crystallization hits with this unique screen by employing synergistic effects of mechanistically distinct precipitating agents (salts, organic solvents, polyethylene glycols, additives, pH). The Wizard Precipitant Synergy crystallization consists of 192 formulations, to be used for initial protein crystallization screening and crystallization optimization. The application of this screen is advised in particular for protein targets that have failed to yield hits with traditional random sparse matrix crystallization approaches.
规格 – 屏幕条件
通过利用机械上不同的沉淀剂(盐、有机溶剂、聚乙二醇、添加剂、pH 值)的协同效应,通过这种独特的筛选发现更多的蛋白质结晶命中。 Wizard Precipitant Synergy 结晶由 192 个配方组成,用于初始蛋白质结晶筛选和结晶优化。 该筛选的应用特别适用于使用传统随机稀疏矩阵结晶方法未能产生命中的蛋白质目标。

note: Rigaku products are avialble through MiTeGen for customers located in the USA only.
Contact us regarding sales of these products to other regions.

Download technical sheets from these Rigaku links:
Wizard Precipitant Synergy MSDS Wizard Precipitant Synergy tubes technical sheet Wizard Precipitant Synergy block technical sheet
注意:Rigaku 产品只能通过 MiTeGen 为位于美国的客户提供。
Wizard Precipitant Synergy MSDS Wizard Precipitant Synergy 管技术表 Wizard Precipitant Synergy 块技术表