Auto Grid Box eCryotag Tracking Option-MiTeGen,自动网格框 eCryotag 跟踪选项

Auto Grid Box eCryotag Tracking Option-MiTeGen自动网格框 eCryotag 跟踪选项

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Auto Grid Box eCryotag Tracking Option

The eCryoTag, developed at EMBL, allows your autogrid compatible cryo grid boxes to be easily identified at cryogenic temperatures.

An eCryoTag will be embedded into the autogrid grid box. The tags are easily read at room or cryogenic temperatures using a RFID reading system with embedded reading station or via the compatible reader wand.

See this link to learn more about the reader

The tags are assigned a unique designated ID. Users can then correlate the designated ID to their samples. The system is able to be easily integrated into most LIMS.

The Cryogenic RFID Tag system is currently used at:

  • Beamlines ESRF ID30B and ID30A1 (massif 1) are already CryoRFID ready (equipped with reader)
  • All other MX beamlines at ESRF are ready to be enabled with a reader

Pricing is per tagged autogrid compatible cryo grid box. So if you order seven autogrid grid boxes and want all seven autogrid grid boxes tagged, order seven eCryoTags.

Learn more how the eCryoTag system works.

自动网格框 eCryotag 跟踪选项
EMBL 开发的 eCryoTag 允许您在低温下轻松识别与自动网格兼容的低温网格盒。

eCryoTag 将嵌入到自动网格网格框中。使用带有嵌入式读取站的 RFID 读取系统或通过兼容的读取器棒,可以在室温或低温下轻松读取标签。


这些标签被分配了一个唯一的指定 ID。然后,用户可以将指定的 ID 与他们的样本相关联。该系统能够轻松集成到大多数 LIMS 中。

低温 RFID 标签系统目前用于:

光束线 ESRF ID30B 和 ID30A1 (massif 1) 已经准备好 CryoRFID(配备阅读器)
ESRF 的所有其他 MX 光束线已准备好通过阅读器启用
定价是每个标记的 autogrid 兼容低温网格盒。因此,如果您订购了七个自动网格框并希望标记所有七个自动网格框,请订购七个 eCryoTag。

了解更多 eCryoTag 系统的工作原理。

Categories: Cryo-EM Grid Boxes and Accessories, New Products, Sample Tracking