MicroGrippers™ provide a new approach to retrieving and mounting samples. The long thin flexible fingers provide the most delicate support possible. They are ideal for thin plates and other very fragile samples.
Each box contains twenty (20) MicroGrippers™
MiTeGen offers ready-to-use assemblies. Mounts can either be pre-inserted into reusable bases or epoxied into standard bases.
Reusable Mount/Base Assemblies Epoxied Mount/Base Assemblies
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MicroGrippers™ are currently available with 50, 100, 200 and 300 μm apertures. Please contact us if you would like custom sizes or designs.
MicroGrippers™ 提供了一种检索和安装样品的新方法。 它们可以以两种不同的方式使用。 将吸头滑入样品下方,细长而灵活的手指可提供最精细的支撑。 它们是薄板和其他非常脆弱的样品的理想选择。
或者,将尖端向下推到厚实的样品上,手指会小心地抓住它而不会损坏它(是的,即使对于蛋白质和病毒晶体也是如此),将其牢牢固定在适当的位置。 这种积极的夹持动作是独一无二的:所有其他安装工具都依靠液体表面张力和粘附力将样品固定到位。 Microgrippers 允许在不使用粘合剂的情况下安装干燥的样品。
Microgrippers™ 非常适合在室温和接近室温的情况下采集 X 射线数据。 它们消除了当晶体安装在 X 射线毛细管中时发生的数据收集过程中的滑动,并且无需将样品包裹在粘性油中以限制这种滑动。
These styles are available in single size boxes of 20 MicroGrippers™ or as an assortment:
A1: 20 pins, 5 each of 50, 100, 200, 300 μm apertures.
MicroGrippers™ are built on 18 mm / SPINE length rods (pins), which are now standard at nearly all synchrotron beam lines in the world. Other pin lengths are also available: (11mm, 19mm, and 25mm)
We strongly recommend using heavy-duty, serrated-tip tweezers to handle MicroGrippers™.
MicroGrippers™ are compatible with all standard X-ray hardware and can be inserted in 0.7 mm mechanical pencils or micromanipulators for easy handling.
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