MicroRT Room Temperature Starter Kits
Get started preparing samples for room temperature screening.
MicroRT Room Temperature Starter Kit #1
MicroRT Room Temperature Starter Kit #2
MicroRT Tubing Kit

MicroRT™ Room Temperature Starter Kit #2
A more complete kit offering including additional materials such as a low viscosity oil, smaller MicroMounts, and saturated salt solutions. This kit allows users to do more with the system such as work with smaller crystals and perform dehydration testing.
one (1) MicroRT™ Tubing Kit (RT-T1)
one (1) MicroRT™ Aligner (RTA-1)
two (2) boxes of 20 Dual-Thickness MicroMounts™ (M2-L18SP-A1, M2-L18SP-A2)
one (1) pair of serrated-end tweezers (TW-1)
twenty (20) Reusable Goniometer Bases (GB-B3S-R-20)
one (1) Set Dehydration Salts (M-CO-121)
one (1) Low Viscosity CryoOil (5 ml) (LVCO-5)
one (1) Pack Gel Loading Pipette Tips (200 tips) (GLPT-1)
MicroRT™ Room Temperature Starter Kit #1
Get Started Preparing Samples for Room Temperature Screening
- one (1) MicroRT™ Tubing Kit (RT-T1)
- one (1) MicroRT™ Aligner (RTA-1)
- ten (10) Reusable goniometer bases (GB-B3S-R)
- one (1) box of 20 Dual-Thickness MicroMounts™ (M2-L18SP-A2)
- one (1) pair of serrated-end tweezers (TW-1)
Each bottle of MicroRT™ Capillaries (RT-T1) contains 20 – 1.5″ (37 mm) long clear polyester capillaries sealed at one end, an extra-keen razor blade for cutting the tubes to a desired length, and a tiny tube of grease for lubricating the base.