
MicroRT Room Temperature Starter Kits
Get started preparing samples for room temperature screening.
Full Description
Product Information
- MicroRT
- MicroRT™ Kit Content
- MicroRT™ Aligner
- MicroRT Tubing Kit
MicroRT™ Room Temperature Starter Kit #1
Get Started Preparing Samples for Room Temperature Screening
- one (1) MicroRT™ Tubing Kit (RT-T1)
- one (1) MicroRT™ Aligner (RTA-1)
- ten (10) Reusable goniometer bases (GB-B3S-R)
- one (1) box of 20 Dual-Thickness MicroMounts™ (M2-L18SP-A2)
- one (1) pair of serrated-end tweezers (TW-1)
Each bottle of MicroRT™ Capillaries (RT-T1) contains 20 – 1.5″ (37 mm) long clear polyester capillaries sealed at one end, an extra-keen razor blade for cutting the tubes to a desired length, and a tiny tube of grease for lubricating the base.
MicroRT™ Room Temperature Starter Kit #2
A more complete kit offering including additional materials such as a low viscosity oil, smaller MicroMounts, and saturated salt solutions. This kit allows users to do more with the system such as work with smaller crystals and perform dehydration testing.
- one (1) MicroRT™ Tubing Kit (RT-T1)
- one (1) MicroRT™ Aligner (RTA-1)
- two (2) boxes of 20 Dual-Thickness MicroMounts™ (M2-L18SP-A1, M2-L18SP-A2)
- one (1) pair of serrated-end tweezers (TW-1)
- twenty (20) Reusable Goniometer Bases (GB-B3S-R-20)
- one (1) Set Dehydration Salts (M-CO-121)
- one (1) Low Viscosity CryoOil (5 ml) (LVCO-5)
- one (1) Pack Gel Loading Pipette Tips (200 tips) (GLPT-1)
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