High Pressure Freezing Pucks (HPF) In Development-MiTeGen蛋白结晶


High Pressure Freezing Pucks (HPF) In Development

High Pressure Freezing Pucks (HPF) In Development

Looking for high pressure freezing pucks (HPF) pucks? – We are developing a puck designed specifically for high pressure freezing. Our HPF pucks will allow you to store HPF planchettes and pin stubs for cryo sectioning directly in the puck.

Features of our HPF pucks will include many of those found in our 2nd generation cryo-em puck and auto grid puck as well as:

  • Affixed lids designed to keep your sample inside each well
  • Store HPF planchettes and pin stubs for cryo sectioning directly in the puck
  • Tweezer slots that will allow tweezers to recover stored items
  • And more features

Learn more about our developments concerning high pressure freezing (HPF) pucks by contacting us via the form below.

SKU: HPF-PUCKCategories: Cryo-EM Grid Storage Pucks, New Products