JBS -Pi-PEG-MiTeGen可溶性蛋白质筛选

JBS -Pi-PEG-MiTeGen可溶性蛋白质筛选

上海金畔生物代理MiTeGen品牌蛋白结晶试剂耗材工具等,我们将竭诚为您服务,欢迎访问MiTeGen官网或者咨询我们获取更多相关MiTeGen品牌产品信息。JBS -Pi-PEG


The Pi-Screens were developed at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (Cambridge, UK) for efficient crystallization screening of soluble proteins (Pi-minimal Screen) and integral membrane proteins (Pi-PEG Screen). The approach is based on incomplete factorial design.

Pi-Screens 是在 MRC 分子生物学实验室(英国剑桥)开发的,用于对可溶性蛋白质(Pi-minimal Screen)和整合膜蛋白(Pi-PEG Screen)进行有效的结晶筛选。 该方法基于不完全因子设计。

JBS -Pi-PEG SKU: M-CS-128 $1,142.00
JBS -Pi-PEG SKU: M-CS-212L $508.00

Category: Crystallization Screens

Product Information

  • Product Description
  • Specifications- Screen Conditions

The Pi-Screens were developed at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (Cambridge, UK) for efficient crystallization screening of soluble proteins (Pi-minimal Screen) and integral membrane proteins (Pi-PEG Screen). The approach is based on incomplete factorial design.

The unique formulation was generated following a strategy named Pi sampling [1] in order to create novel combinations of precipitants, buffers and additives across a standard 96-condition plate layout. Thus, the diversity amongst the crystallization conditions is ideal for initial screening.

The Pi-minimal Screen includes 36 components, i.e. 12 precipitants, 12 buffers systems and 12 salts. Buffers employed in the Pi-minimal screen are buffer systems (acid-base pairs, e.g. HEPES and HEPES sodium salt). Consequently, pH can be adjusted by mixing 2 stock solutions at different ratios during later optimizations.
The efficiency of the Pi-minimal Screen was demonstrated by the crystallization of 10 proteins before its commercialization [1].

The Pi-PEG Screen includes various polyethylene glycol mixtures, additives and buffers covering a pH range from 4,0 – 9,5 and hence is suitable for integral membrane proteins as well as for soluble proteins.
The efficiency of the Pi-PEG screen was demonstrated by the crystallization of a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) when quality crystals could not be produced with other commercially available screens [1].


Bulk – 4 x 24 screening solutions in 10 ml aliquots
HTS – 96 screening solutions delivered in a deep-well block, 1.7 ml per well

规格 – 屏幕条件
Pi-Screens 是在 MRC 分子生物学实验室(英国剑桥)开发的,用于对可溶性蛋白质(Pi-minimal Screen)和整合膜蛋白(Pi-PEG Screen)进行有效的结晶筛选。该方法基于不完全因子设计。

独特的配方是按照名为 Pi 采样 [1] 的策略生成的,目的是在标准 96 条件板布局中创建沉淀剂、缓冲剂和添加剂的新组合。因此,结晶条件之间的多样性是初始筛选的理想选择。

Pi-minimal Screen 包括 36 种成分,即 12 种沉淀剂、12 种缓冲液系统和 12 种盐。 Pi-minimal 筛选中使用的缓冲液是缓冲系统(酸碱对,例如 HEPES 和 HEPES 钠盐)。因此,在以后的优化过程中,可以通过混合不同比例的 2 种原液来调整 pH 值。
Pi-minimal Screen 的效率通过 10 种蛋白质在其商业化之前的结晶得到证明 [1]。

Pi-PEG Screen 包括各种聚乙二醇混合物、添加剂和缓冲液,pH 范围为 4,0 – 9,5,因此适用于整合膜蛋白以及可溶性蛋白。
Pi-PEG 筛选的效率通过 G 蛋白偶联受体 (GPCR) 的结晶来证明,当使用其他市售筛选无法生产高质量晶体时 [1]。


散装 – 4 x 24 筛选溶液,每 10 毫升等分试样
HTS – 96 种筛选溶液以深孔模块形式提供,每孔 1.7 ml


[1] Gorrec et al. (2011) Pi sampling: a methodical and flexible approach to initial macromolecular crystallization screening. Acta Cryst. D67:463.

Available online at http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2011/05/00/bw5391/index.html

PDF Download PDF (356 kB)

Selected Recent Literature Citations of Pi-Screens

  • Gorrec (2016) Protein crystallization screens developed at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Drug Discov. Today 21:819.
  • Ohashi et al. (2016) Characterization of Atg38 and NRBF2, a fifth subunit of the autophagic Vps34/PIK3C3 complex. Autophagy12:2129.
  • Omari et al. (2014) Pushing the limits of sulfur SAD phasing: de novo structure solution of the N-terminal domain of the ectodomain of HCV E1. Acta Cryst. D 70:2197

Download technical sheet from below:Pi-PEG Screen L Pi-PEG Screen 96 reagents

For additional questions please call +1 607 266 877 or email [email protected]

JBS Crystallization Freshman Kit – Junior-MiTeGen结晶新手套装 – 初级

JBS Crystallization Freshman Kit – Junior-MiTeGen结晶新手套装 – 初级

上海金畔生物代理MiTeGen品牌蛋白结晶试剂耗材工具等,我们将竭诚为您服务,欢迎访问MiTeGen官网或者咨询我们获取更多相关MiTeGen品牌产品信息。JBS Crystallization Freshman Kit – Junior

JBS Crystallization Freshman Kit – Junior

The JBS Crystallization Freshman Kit – Junior is addressed to newcomers in the field of protein crystallography. It is designed for screening of initial crystallization conditions of proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and macromolecular complexes in order to grow single crystals suitable for X–ray diffraction analysis.

JBS 结晶新生套件 – 初级
JBS Crystallization Freshman Kit – Junior 面向蛋白质晶体学领域的新手。 它设计用于筛选蛋白质、肽、核酸和大分子复合物的初始结晶条件,以生长适合 X 射线衍射分析的单晶。

SKU: M-CSK-101Category: Crystallization Screens

Product Information

  • Kit Contents
  • Additional Information
JBS Crystallization Freshman Kit – Junior contains the required material to crystallize your protein under investigation using the “Hanging Drop Method”:
• four 24-well crystallization plates
• 100 thick siliconized cover slides
• 1ml each of 96 unique JBScreen JCSG++ screening reagents
• a detailed User Guide

How does one manage to grow crystals from such complicated molecules like proteins?

If you are new in the field of macromolecular crystallography we recommend to read the background information before starting the experiment.

Background Information

Please refer to the User Guide for detailed instructions how to run the experiment.

User Guide

The Scoring Sheet will provide help to analyse the results of your crystallization experiment.

Scoring Sheet

SKU: M-CSK-101类别: 结晶筛
JBS Crystallization Freshman Kit – Junior 包含使用“悬滴法”使研究中的蛋白质结晶所需的材料:
• 四个 24 孔结晶板
• 100 个厚的硅化盖玻片
• 96 种独特的 JBScreen JCSG++ 筛选试剂各 1 毫升
• 详细的用户指南





